I have archived three versions of the Nab detector GEANT4 simulations - G4.6.2.p01 (no spin), G4.6.2.p01 (tracking with spin) and the latest (Dec. 2005) G4.8.0. They use CLHEP- and CLHEP-, respectively. The code is based on the G4 distribution example geant4.*/examples/extended/electromagnetic/TestEm5/ The electromagnetic fields are defined using the the Fermilab BeamTools BT-v1.50.tar.gz, in particular the MuCool.cc example, as a template. The simulations use the full 3D electromagnetic field read in from the text file with 1mm^3 grid, and interpolate in 3D to find magnetic and electric fields at the point. The sensitive detectors are two 2mm thick Silicon disks with 16.2mm diameter. Basic passive spectrometer elements are also defined in the geometry. The input particles can be electrons, protons or decaying neutrons. We have defined the special type of theneutron "abBANeutron". The input parameters and output variables are read/saved in the text files for now. Nab source code, GEANT.4.6.2.p01 version, is the MC of the Nab spectrometer. Nab source code, GEANT.4.6.2.p02 version, has modification in G4Transportaion.cc that enables tracking of neutral particles with spin, e.g. neutrons. The equations of motions are specified in src/G4Mag_Neutron_SpinEqRhs.cc Nab with spin source code, GEANT4.6.2.p02 version, is the MC of the Nab spectrometer with spin tracking. Nab source code, GEANT4.8.0 version, is again the MC of the Nab spectrometer. Emil Frlez, Apr. 28, 2006